Conversation is a tool that builds relationships. You may have noticed that you are having fewer real conversations during this time of physical distancing. It’s just ONE of the reasons we love a deep dive into one topic with seniors – there is always something to talk about. It also encourages conversations with fellow residents and family members.

Cognitive health is the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. It also plays an important role in brain health. The act of having a conversation is excellent for brain health. Even better than ‘brain games,’ keeping track of a conversation not only helps to stimulate the brain – it helps combat feelings of isolation and improves self-esteem.

Right now, we are working to help seniors adapt to this current situation. Learning new things keeps the brain flexible, making it easier to readjust to this changing environment.

This History bundle serves to promote conversation. Route 66 is interesting historically as well as geographically. Here are some questions to kick off a truly engaging discussion:
What was your first car, or family car?
Have you ever taken a road trip?
Have you ever stayed in a Motel? Where was it? Where were you going?

TIPS: The reading and discussion provided in this lesson work well with small groups or one-on-one visits.

  • Take time to read the Primer and discuss the topic. Allow opportunities for seniors to share what they know about the subject.
  • Challenge your geography buffs to the included Quiz!
  • Leave the post cards to color-in and send when they are ready. Seniors can share them with family who may not be able to visit.

 Downloadable Activity: One on One – Route 66